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What is special in KidzStart Before/After School Care program?

- Incorporating exam-taking skills

- Homework supervision incorporating good work habits

- Encouraging independence

- Improving social interactions and communications

- Promotes motor skills development with structured and physical activities

Daily schedule includes:

•Homework supervision and centre work

•Exam taking skills

•Booklets with age appropriate activities chosen by students according to their interests

Eg. Cutting and pasting, coloring, Sudoku, word scramble

•Social play

•Structured activities

Eg. Gardening, IT, simple hands on cooking, arts and craft

•Physical activities

Eg. Music and movement, sports, outdoor play, gym

*All graphics on this site are for illustration purposes to depict the activities held in KidzStart

Contact Us:


T: 9477 1246 / 9825 8591

A: Blk 223 Choa Chu Kang Central #01-237 S680223

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